Exercise: A letter to your future self

Building a deliberate life often begins with reflection, a pause to consider where we're headed and the paths we choose. One simple yet impactful method to anchor this reflection is by writing a letter to your future self. It’s less about the act of receiving this letter down the line and more about the process of writing it, which can profoundly shift your perspective on your present actions and their ripple effects into the future.

If I may suggest, make sure to casually ask your future self for next week's winning lottery numbers—because, hell, if you're going to send a note through time, you might as well swing for the fences on the off chance future you manages to reply.

Set the scene

Okay, find a quiet space where your thoughts can roam freely. This moment is for you, a chance to converse with the person you're becoming. Ensure you're comfortable and free from distractions—a refuge where past, present, and future can meet.

Reflect on your journey

Before you put pen to paper, take a moment to reflect on your journey so far. What challenges have you overcome? What victories have you celebrated? Acknowledge the growth that has led you to this point, setting the stage for a dialogue with the future you.

Envision your future

Now, turn your gaze forward. Imagine yourself ten or twenty years down the line. Where do you see yourself? What will the world look? What role will you play in this world? What dreams do you hope to have realized? Consider the aspects of your life that hold the most significance to you—career, family, legacy—and how they might evolve.

Craft your message

Start writing. There’s no right or wrong way to do this; the letter should be as unique as your journey. Address your future self as you would an old friend. Share your hopes, fears, and the questions you carry. Outline the aspirations you’re working towards and the values you hold dear. Most importantly, your expectations of you future self.

Seal your intentions

Once your letter is complete, seal it in an envelope. You might choose a specific date in the future to open it, or perhaps you'll just know when the time is right. This letter is a message across time, a reminder of the person you were and the vision you held for your future. Oh, and future you, don’t forget those lottery numbers.

Wrapping up and signing off

Writing a letter to your future self is more than a reflective exercise; it’s a promise to grow and a testament to the belief in your ability to shape the journey ahead. After all, that’s what intentionality is all about. As you seal your letter, you're not just preserving words on a page—you're encapsulating a moment of introspection, a snapshot of your journey toward a life crafted with purpose. And remember, all journeys begin with a single, thoughtful step. So, let’s make each step count.


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