A guaranteed way to feel better

A few years ago, I found myself yearning to get away from the busyness of the city. To go somewhere that reconnects the soul to the earth, looking for the kind of stillness that speaks through the rustle of leaves and the gentle whispers of a brook. That's when I turned to forest bathing, or "Shinrin-yoku," a practice born in Japan that embodies the power of simply being in the presence of trees.

I know, I know. The idea of wandering aimlessly through the woods might seem like an odd antidote to the complexities of modern stress. But here's the thing: forest bathing isn't about hiking or jogging through nature. It's about immersing yourself in the forest atmosphere, allowing the senses to lead and the mind to follow, a slow dance guided by the natural world.

Why Forest Bathing Speaks to Me

In this embrace of nature, I found an unexpected clarity. Each breath inhaled the earth's musk, each step fostered a deeper connection to the ground beneath me, and the verdant hues painted a tranquility in my mind that I hadn't realized was possible. It was as if the forest washed me with secrets of well-being, secrets that we're too rushed to hear in our everyday lives.

Science backs this up, suggesting that forest bathing can lower stress hormone levels, improve feelings of happiness, and even increase creativity. It's as though the trees offer their strength, standing tall yet grounded, teaching us to do the same amidst life's storms.

Why You Should Try Forest Bathing

So, why should you consider stepping into the forest's embrace? Because in doing so, you step closer to yourself. It's a journey of rediscovery, where the elements of nature remind you of the simplicity of happiness. It’s a moment to let go of the 'shoulds' and 'musts' that clutter our minds and just be.

And there's something universally healing about being part of something larger than ourselves. The forest, with its timeless cycles, offers perspective on our fleeting worries and the fleeting nature of life itself. In its vastness, personal troubles seem to shrink, allowing space for gratitude and wonder to grow.

Embarking on Your Forest Bathing Journey

If the forest calls to you, heed it. You don’t need to travel far or plan extensively. Find a green space where the trees stand tall and the air feels fresh, leave your phone behind (or at least on DND), and let your senses guide you. Walk slowly, touch the textures of the trees, listen to the symphony of nature sounds, and breathe deeply. Let the forest in, and with it, peace.

It's a personal exploration, a way to reconnect with the natural world and, by extension, reconnect with yourself. You just might walk out ready to face the world with a newfound calm.


The birth of a movement


Time for a pause?