Time for a pause?

The pace of my schedule often makes it feel nearly impossible to find moments to simply be still, take a breath, and recalibrate. It seems like a luxury I can hardly afford. But, I'm here to tell you, it's definitely achievable. I've managed to carve out these essential pockets of peace in my day, and it all comes down to a bit of willpower and a well-structured approach to creating enough space in our busy schedules. To make this a reality, you'll need the right tools by your side, and thankfully, there's a wealth of options out there. I've sifted through them to bring you a curated list of exceptional services designed to foster mindfulness at any point in your day.

Now, let me ask you this: When was the last time you truly paused to appreciate a moment for what it was, without the pressure of what comes next or the weight of what came before? It’s okay if it has been while. As I shared, spare time might feel fleeting. But let’s take back control, shall we?

This list isn't exhaustive, but it's a great place to start. After all, the most important thing is to make it happen.

Meditation and Mindfulness:

  1. Oak Meditation (iOS): a completely free app that offers guided meditations, breathing exercises, and sleep stories to help users find calm, manage stress, and improve sleep. With its super easy interface, it's designed to be accessible for beginners and enriching for experienced practitioners. This is a personal favorite of mine.

  2. Calm (iOS / Android): Calm offers an array of guided meditations, sleep stories, and breathing exercises designed to reduce stress and improve sleep. It’s like a personal retreat on your phone. Unlike Oak, it is paid but the content library is deep.

Sleep and Soundscapes:

  1. Endel: One of my absolute favorite apps, this tool creates personalized sound environments designed to enhance focus, relaxation, and sleep by using scientifically backed principles. Its algorithm adapts in real-time to factors like time of day, weather, and heart rate, providing a unique and immersive auditory experience that promotes mental well-being and productivity. My primary uses for soundscapes are a) getting into a flow state and b) sleep. For that, Endel is the best option I've found yet.

  2. Pzizz (iOS and Android): Utilizing a mix of music, voiceovers, and sound effects that change each night, Pzizz aims to quickly soothe you into a deep sleep and then wake you up feeling refreshed. It’s designed based on the latest clinical research to improve the quality of your sleep.

  3. Oura Ring: A near perfect sleep companion, loaded with biometric sensors. By providing detailed feedback on your sleep stages and overall health, it empowers you to make adjustments that can lead to more restful nights. Better sleep, in turn, enhances your ability to engage in mindfulness and reflection, as a well-rested mind is more focused, calm, and ready to embrace the day with clarity and intention.

Note-Taking and Journaling:

  1. Bear (iOS): An ideal tool for those seeking a space for capturing quick notes and ideas during your dar, offering an intuitive and beautifully designed interface that simplifies the process of organizing thoughts and ideas. Its seamless tagging system and easy-to-use features make it perfect for jotting down inspirations or reflective journaling with minimal fuss. I use bear all the time, even to draft this very article.

  2. Day One Journal (iOS / Andriod): This serves as the perfect complement to Bear for anyone dedicated to elevating their daily journaling practice. While Bear excels in quick note-taking and organization, Day One offers a more focused environment specifically tailored for reflective writing, with features like weather and location tags to add context to your entries.

  3. Midori Notebook Grid A5: A physical option that truly stands out as a beautifully crafted physical journal, offering a tactile experience for those who crave the intimate feel of pen on paper. Personally, I have been carrying these since 2016. I thoroughly enjoy every entry.

Wrapping up, it’s hard to overlook the timeless wisdom of the Stoics. Marcus Aurelius, not just a Roman Emperor but a sage in his own right, nailed it when he said, "Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." This ancient, albeit timeless, tweet sums up the monumental power of turning inward and getting cozy with our thoughts through meditation and reflection. And, as of now, you have some tools to help you get started.


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